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Friday 6 June 2014

Gwoza Christians notice disturbing details about 6 girls kidnapped by BH is 2013

Found this report on Sahara Reporters...quite scary! Read below...
The Gwoza Christian Community Association in Borno State has released details of disturbing disclosures made by six Christian girls who were abducted in 2013 by the dreaded Boko Haram sect.
The girls were abducted last year from different locations in Gwoza local government area. Their statements revealed that, following their abduction, they were subjected to serial rapes by Boko Haram terrorists. In addition, they were turned into domestic slaves in various Boko Haram camps before they pulled off their daring and lucky escapes. Continue...

Istifanus Ibrahim, one of the Christians in Gwoza, disclosed that the extremist Islamist sect had many abducted girls in their camps long before their abduction of more than 200 students from Government Secondary School, Chibok, in Borno State drew international media attention and global outrage.
Below are the summaries provided by the Christian community in Gwoza from the extensive statements of the six girls who escaped from Boko Haram camps. The girls’ names and other identities have been concealed for their security and in order to protect them from stigmatization:

 Captive for 12 days in Boko Haram Camp in Sambisa (15th May 2013 - 26th May 2013).
She boarded for commercial bus at Tashan Bama in Maiduguri on 15th May 2013. There were five men in the vehicle when they took off. She was the only female among them. When they reach Bama Local government around Firgi area in Borno State, some Boko Haram members with heavy weapons abducted them and they were taken to Boko haram camp in Sambisa Games Reserve.

Immediately after their arrival they slew the five men with knife in her presence. She was there in their camp for 12 days when they slew more than 50 people in her presence. Whenever they bring a hostage, they check their identity card and differentiate them base on their belief, if your Christian they killed you, if the victim happened to be Muslim they recruit them. Those who refused they slew them.

It was one faithful day on 26th may 2013 that she escaped when the insurgent distance themselves from them to service their weapons and equally trained the new recruit on how to handled guns. She was pondered on how to run when she saw how females were killed.

They told her to get ready for conversion the following morning, and fortunately God took control of the event and one young man among the captive took courage and jump into one of their cars and started it. Eventually she and other six young men entered the car and they drow off. Unfortunately the Boko Haram followed them and succeeded in killing four but she and the driver escaped. That was how they abandon the vehicle and trek for some more Kilometers to get to the main road.

Captive for 3 Months in Boko Haram at Gwoza Hills (12th May 2013 - 13th Sept 2013)

This was a girl abducted by the insurgents in early May 2013 and was in their custody for about three months before her escape in September, 2013 by the grace of God. Luckily they did not sexually abuse her as she was groomed to marry the insurgent leaders' junior brother. However, she suffered beating even at point of death to convert to Islam and forced to wear their 'hijab' as they go from one hiding came to another atop the mountain hills where they are based.

She even followed them to the attack on Gwna police station conveying the bullets they used during the attack. Her escaped gave her a new life of hope but never believed it was really true until she was taken out of Borno State.

Her parents' home and the whole village were attacked after her escape, burning all the houses and killing two people in revenge. She was later examined and found physically fine.

Held captive for 22 days in Boko Haram at Gwoza Hills (30th Sept. 2013 - 20th Oct. 2013)
It was around 8:00pm on 30th September, 2013 when Boko Haram with heavy weapons came and broke into her brothers room and shoot him. They took his wife out and put a gun to her head, but when they heard another strange event outside the compound, the insurgents came back again and asked the ladies including her to come out. There they captured herself, her sister & her brother's wife and took them away as captives. They were taken to the camp on the mountain top in Ghwa'a village where the leader of the Boko Haram stayed.

She who is a dedicated Christian was asked to denounced Christ and accept Islam or else she would be slaughtered. Out of fear she agreed and they ceremonially cited Quran verses, gave her a veil (Himar) and named her Maryam.

After converting her she was taken to (Emir) leader of the camp who was called Ibrahim Tada Nglayire and she was married one of the insurgents called Abdul, where she was sexually abused. After that, he asked her to perform an exercise of taking water from a kettle to bath with it as sign of cleansing from the sex they had. Which he called WAKAN JANABA.

The insurgents gets their money from External sources, she always heard them mentioning Arab countries etc. Some among their local sponsors whom they mention were some District Heads in Borno State and a member of the State House of Assembly . They always thanked them for supporting with money and protection. On the 20th of October, 2013, when the insurgent have left to get their ammunition, their leader's wife brought them together in a conversations. That was how she escaped.

Held captive for 22 days in Boko Haram at Gwoza Hills (30th Sept. 2013 - 20th Oct. 2013)

She was kidnapped by Boko Haram on 30th September, 2013. She was taken to their camp. The following sub-gang leader of the insurgent took her to the Emir, (Ibrahim Tadaghleke) for an update on how they captured them. When Ibrahim saw her, he immediately ordered her conversion to Islam and gave her a husband. The husband came in the night to sexually abused her, when she refused he brought his gun and knife to kill her if she attempt to stop him again. He left her when he discovered she was on her monthly period.
They normally speak Kanuri language, Arabic and Hausa talking about Some District heads and a member of the State House of Assembly. Popular in their conversation is that, they hate President Jonathan because he is Pagan and sent the Army to kill them. She escaped when she tactically dropped her shoes on the entrance of the door. She picked a kettle with pretence to enter toilet. That was how she made her way to escape. They went through serious challenges, but God save her.

Held captive for 22 days in Boko Haram at Gwoza Hills (28th Sept. 2013 - 20th Oct. 2013)
She was captured and held as a slave by the Boko Haram group on 28th September, 2013. Their house was invaded by the insurgents. In their palour, they asked for their names. When they found out they were Christians, they went with her. They started going up the hill for almost 2 days on foot. When they reached a village called KWATARA, one of them went from there and entered another village. It took them additional (8) eight hours before they reach a place in a cave on top of Mandara mountains hills, where they were kept for almost two weeks before proceeded to another location
She was converted to Islam and was given a Muslim name called HASIYA, and married to an insurgent. She was raped and sexually abused by force under a treat of Gun. She was only 15 years old and still a virgin.

 Held captive for 5 days in Boko Haram at Gwoza Hills (19th Nov. 2013 - 23th Nov. 2013)

They met her around the Cameroonian boarder, caught her and started beating her. One among the Boko Haram pulled her veil, tore it and tied her hands behind and started beating her with plastic pipes. Another one of the insurgents dragged her and tied another rope behind her and pulling her like animal. She was then taken to the mountains travelling throughout the night where they went to a village in the hill they call Hraza. It was too gloomy because there were so many branches within the caves. She quickly agreed to convert to Muslim with a knife of her throat, on 19 November, 2013. They cited Quranic verse which she repeats after them. She was given KALMAN SHAHADA. She saw a man called MALLAM where they were staying. He doesn't come out in a day time, neither does he follow them for operations, but he gives orders and instruction as final authority. He doesn't open his face. He is aways in a veil like Arab man, in all white clothes. The second in command was called Ibrahim Tadagleke and then mallam Audu and Mallam Saidu, whom were the operational commanders.
On the 21 November, 2013, the overall MALLAM, who was in charge of giving orders came out and went round the camp around 5:00pm - 6:00pm. He was accompanied by Ibrahim who they called Emir followed by operational commanders and then over 80 armed insurgents were behind him. Some among their sponsors where late Mohammed Gadafi before he died. People from Chad were used to import the weapons, on Carmel and herdsmen from Niger.
Their main funds comes from Afghanistan and Iraq. They always thanked the Arab countries. Most of the people that sponsored them locally were disguised. She escaped from them on 23 November, 2013.


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