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Wednesday 16 April 2014

I’m An Ardent Supporter Of Polygamy – Jibola Dabo


I’m An Ardent Supporter Of Polygamy – Jibola Dabo

He’s what you’d call a consummate actor. Jibola Dabo from Ondo State has been in the movie industry for many decades and has been a source of inspiration to young ones in the field of make-believe. In this chat with SAMUEL ABULUDE, the AGN vice president (South West) bares his mind on his love life, Nollywood and why he is interested in politics. 
What you are currently working on?
There is a movie I just finished shooting few weeks back. At the moment, I’m not working on any movie; I’m only working on my political vision. In terms of movies, I’ve concentrated on helping the younger ones that are coming into the industry to grow. I had something to do with Mnet series recently, most of the movies are targeted at helping the young ones to grow.
Who is the real Jibola Dabo?
I’m a very compassionate human being, a man who feels the pains of his people and a man who is too plain to a fault. That is why so many of my friends and colleagues keep asking if I can play politics considering my level of plainness. I’m a very straightforward man and I believe a politician can also be straightforward. I started a foundation recently in my place, and I know how it feels when someone comes to tell me he or she cannot pay school fees. I keep paying for the ones I can pay while I tell others to either exercise patience or look for an alternative.
Tell us about your kids and wives?
I have plenty of kids. I have five children and they have given me five grand children.
Are all your children from one woman?
Does that mean you are a polygamous man?
People misunderstand what polygamy means. I’m an ardent supporter of polygamy. Every single man, mostly from Africa, is polygamous in nature. We are just deceiving ourselves. Polygamy means when you see a woman you love and desire, you marry her with the consent of your already married wife and bring her home. It’s not when you have one wife at home then you have others scattered in different other places- that is not polygamy. And not when you have three wives whereas you can’t even take care of one- that is an insult to polygamy.
There are so many women out there who just want to have a man as an umbrella, but we keep saying one man one woman. Yet the women keep suffering. We all know that we have much more women in this world than men-the ratio is too high. My father had six wives; my uncle that brought me up also had so many wives. What I’m saying is that it’s not illegal, we are not in America. Ironically, the white man would have one wife and still keep so many mistresses. If not, there wouldn’t have been an English word for concubines. That means it exists in their culture. Which is better, concubines or wives? In the days when polygamy was well respected, diseases were not rampant. It’s now that men hide to do it that strange sexually transmitted diseases have become the order of the day.
So sir, how many wives do you have?
I have only one but I have children from more than one woman. And it’s not because I had mistresses, it’s because I have lived in various countries including America, France and Britain. I’m this person that any woman that comes to me would always want to have something for me. I have had experience… I was with a woman and years later a child was brought to me-a child I didn’t know when it was conceived.
Do you intend having another wife soon?
I’m separated. But there is somebody in my life, and certainly I will remarry.
So what do women really see in you that makes you irresistible?
I don’t know what they see. But I have lots of respect for women. You would never see a woman who had been with me saying anything negative-I don’t abuse women.
Tell us more about your political aspiration?
It’s something that has been in the making for a while. For some time, I keep receiving invitations from people especially the youths in my state which is Ondo State to join the political race so as to effectively represent them. It’s not the normal cliché that my people want me. The invitations kept coming and I said to myself, I’m not a politician and I don’t have such money for politicking. It got to a point after I got honoured by the state as Ambassador for Culture and Tourism, It dawned on me that I was actually playing the politics indirectly (he laughs). And I said, ‘why don’t I try to get a piece of power, which will give me a voice to help my people?’ This is because if you don’t have power, you don’t have a voice and there is no way you can effectively help in changing anything. That was how I made up my mind to vie as member, House of Representatives, Owo/Ose Federal Constituency.
Why the choice of PDP?
When you get to my state for example, the most attractive party you might want to work with might be APC. People are beginning to think that APC is a South West thing and the best to associate with but I disagree with such partisan politics. My people called me and said they would follow me wherever I go. I realised that the party under which I can run and which can benefit my people is PDP. I’m tired of seeing my people in the opposition.
How do you think you can succeed under the PDP umbrella, considering its present challenges?
Where are the people that left PDP? Are they not all in APC? I still believe that the devil you know is better that the angel you don’t know. If PDP is so bad, is it the name that is bad or the people in there?
What are your plans when elected?
I grew up knowing pains and hunger. I know what my people need. I’ve already worked on my blueprint. Having played different roles as an actor including a president, senator etc, I’ve for long understood what it takes to effectively represent people.
How will you cope with the huge financial demand of political race?
Apart from using my personal finances, I’m also hoping that some people would throw their weights behind me. If we keep thinking that politics is a dirty game, then we will keep having the wrong people in positions of authorities ruling us the way they like.
After actualising your political ambition, will you dump acting?
Never! It’s basically a break. I will retire back into acting. And among the causes I will pursue over there, many will focus on this industry.
The movie Dirty Secret attracted lot of negative press for you, how do you feel about that?
Nigerians especially my fans should understand that someone has to tell the story. What they watched was not me; I hated that bisexual character that I played. For instance, I despise cigarette but I was seen very intimate with Muna who smokes. I’m not gay. That was just a movie role. Even after the act, I would sometimes step backwards and exhale all the tension for the ugly role. You can confirm that from the director. That wasn’t Jibola Dabo. I love women.
The movie only tried to depict that there are such men around us and I played the role, making it look so real. I was condemned even by friends for having sex with Tonto Dikeh but it was fake sex and the director and production crew were present during the scene. That we did it well meant that we played our roles well. We were just being professional.
You fathered a child with Binta Mogaji, how come you broke up and didn’t marry?
That is life for you. We were lovers and she gave me a lovely child. We did not plan then to marry each other though. But she has since married, so let us leave her out of this.
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