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Friday 4 April 2014

World Hijab Day: Dear Respected Sister!


World Hijab Day: Dear Respected Sister!

In the name of Allah who states “o prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, And the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when out of doors); that is most convenient, that they should be known 9As such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft – forgiving, Most Merciful“Ahzab: 59.
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon His noble servant our master Muhammad (s) and his pure progeny.
Jimadal – ula, the fifth month of Islamic calendar remind the Ummah at least two important historic event namely; the birthday of Sayyidah Zainab, the audacious daughter of Imam Ali and sister of Imam Husain (as). She patiently endured the persecution at Karbala where her brother was brutally and mercilessly murdered by Yazid’s army in the 61st year after hijra.
Secondly, the demise of Sayyidah Fatima al – Zahra (as), daughter of the noble messenger and wife of his brother and chief warrior Imam Ali son of Abi Talib. Her heavenly departure was due to untold persecution she was made to suffer which culminated in her martyrdom on the eleventh day in the eleventh year after hijra seventy days only after the demise of loving father, the prophet (s) at the age of about twenty.
The piece I write about this week is on hijab. The hijab international day was observed on February 1st in 50 countries across the world. America, Indonesia, Pakistan, Britain, Ghana, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Libya, South Africa, Egypt and Nigeria were among the active participants among others.
Interestingly, in the event held in Abuja and some major cities in the country, wives of prominent politicians – executives, senators, ministers including a reverend sister Agatha attended in what we may regard as hijab. Initiated by sister Nazma Khan, a Bangladeshi in America, after a campaign for support from Muslim organizations in a New York school where she studied, sequel to a thorough analysis on the way the women in hijab were intimidated. It is essentially to declare to the world that wearing hijab has nothing to do with barbarism but rather a sign of liberty and freedom in Islam and Judao – Christian civilizations.
Hijab literally means a cover, a veil a barrier or a protection. In addition to the physical cover however the ethical dimension is highly emphasized. So the philosophy behind hijab in Islam is to protect the society from immoral tendencies that may come up due to immodest dressing. The Jilbab referred in the verse above is the outer garment that women were asked to wear which covers and protect them from molestation as Allah said. So it means that a woman should cover herself completely with exception of face and palm. In fact covering of the face is also encouraged in case of extremely beautiful women. So Hijab, in this context is not peculiar to Islam alone as it is very apparent in Judeo – Christian cultures to date.
The rationale behind the piece is to call the attention of our respected sisters to embrace this culture in compliance with the command of Allah as an obligatory duty not a matter of choice at all. Q24: 31. By extension I emphasize the same on Christian sisters alike as the culture is clearly evident in the Judao – Christian scriptures.
The wives of the prophet – mothers of believers – were first commanded to observe the hijab and avoid what Allah referred as “dazzling display like that of the former times of ignorance” Ahzab: 33. In the same way, Allah warned the companions of the messenger emphasizing the need for communications between the messengers’ wives from behind a veil where necessary.  Ahzab: 53.
There are so many misconceptions about hijab that must be clarified to achieve the desired objective: Wearing hijab is obligatory. It is not optional for those who feel like. And the rationale as we observed is to cover all the body the beauty. So all the beautiful Atamfas, lace, materials and other fashionable clothes should not be exposed except to those permitted by the shari’a.
Hijab is not a uniform simply a cloth which must be LOOSE and UNATTRACTIVE as a condition. That is why black is preferred and is the most used by strictly observing sisters including the orthodox catholic across the world. So is not any designed Abaya a woman can wear in the name of hijab.
Another misconception about hijab is that many thought it is DONE FOR THE STREET. As such when a woman goes out she dresses in her hijab. But she dresses FASHIONABLY AT HOME irrespective of WHOEVER IS PRESENT. This is very wrong as the hijab is meant to serve as BARRIER OR PROTECTION against all men that are neither LEGALLY TIED IN MARRIAGE with a woman nor CLOSELY RELATED IN SUCH A WAY MARRIAGE IS NOT PERMISSIBLE between them. In fact, even if the marriage is permitted on conditional basis, like the case of a husband’s brother that can marry his brother’s wife in the event of death or divorce, the woman must put on her hijab on any encounter with him not to talk of house aides like drivers whose services were either employed by husbands or the women themselves.
In addition to this, sisters of one’s wife must put on their hijab in his presence as abomination of marriage between is temporary since they can marry in the event of death or even divorce of the sister.
So it is OBLIGATORY for our respected sisters to OBSERVE HIJAB in any ENCOUNTER with men, be it in their RENTED RESIDENCES, OFFICES, HOSPITALS or at any other place. Thus the need for girl child education is very apparent here. The flowery designs and what not – KUNSHI must not be displayed to other people not allowed. And use of sock in such a situation will become necessary until it fades to avoid exposure.
However, there is no blame for ladies to appear adorned before their; fathers, sons, brothers, brothers’ sons, sisters’ sons, their women, and slaves whom their right hands possess. Ahzab: 53.
Likewise there is no problem with the adornment of women before the men prohibited in marriage either on direct biological or and marital relations. These include women married by fathers, mothers, daughters, sisters, father’s sisters, mother’s sisters, brother’s daughters, sister’s daughters, foster mothers (who gave suck), foster – sisters, wives’ mothers, step – daughters under one’s guardianship born of wives who were gone in, wives of sons and two sisters at a time in a wedlock. Nisa: 22 – 23.
Going by the rationale behind hijab Muslim sisters are EXPECTED TO BE VERY CAREFUL in their mode of dressing as SCHOOL or PROFESSIONAL UNIFORMS. Stakeholders must play an ELDERLY ROLE IN FAVOR OF MORALITY at all organizations. Thanks to the ONGOING CAMPAIGN in our tertiary and the larger society in the name of MODEST DRESSING.
At this juncture, it is good to share with our esteemed readers few ordeals of some sisters – names withheld – that accepted Islam in America as recorded by Carol L. Anway, in her book Daughters of another path:
The only obstacles that have been placed in my way as a woman have not been from Muslims or Islam, but from the society in which we live. One often feels like a fish swimming upstream in America, like constantly explaining hijab. I have been denied jobs because of my hijab and have been otherwise openly discriminated against. Nevertheless I am truly grateful for hijab. It is liberating in a sense that pro – era women will never know. I feel honored to represent Islam in such a powerful way as to be recognized as Muslim wherever I venture out.
My perception of being a woman has changed. I no longer find freedom in tight pants and miniskirts, but through hijab and modesty. I no longer believe that men and women have to be the same to be equal and that there are roles each are better suited for. At the same time, we all, men and women have our unique, individual talents and need to have the opportunity to nourish them.
I cover from head to toe –gloves, socks, the whole package. I wear a hair cover under a cloak, and I wear a veil. I anticipated so many problems, yet I can hardly believe how easy it has been. I even veiled for three and half years in the united states with no problem. So many people learned about Islam because they were curious about the veil. It is a bit hot, but when the temperature gets over 100 degrees everything is hot to wear! I greatly prefer this dress to anything. Especially people who understand the reason for the veil and dress have been supportive and respectful. I get special treatment everywhere I go here and in the states. Old Muslim ladies will do anything for me. I get great seats on planes, people let me in front of them in lines, and sometimes merchants here in this country will give me free gifts or free service.

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